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30 x R$ 2.711,24* Masters

48 x R$ 2.919,90** PhD

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*Masters:Tuition Fee; free
Week days: Thursday and Fridays

**PhD:Tuition Fee: free
Week days: Thursday and Fridays

Thursdays: from 2pm to 10 pm
Fridays: from 9 am to noon and from 2 pm to 10 pm.
Study nuclei occur every 15 days on Fridays in the morning.

Amounts subject to change to 2019

I want to enroll
The Stricto Sensu Graduate Program on Communication Disorders from the Tuiuti do Paraná University (PMDDIC) started its activities over twenty years ago, with the Master’s Program recommended by CAPES in 1998 and the Doctorate in 2007. The implementation of the program happened as a result of the growth of Speech Therapy throughout the country and more specifically on the Southern Region, which followed the expansion of the University itself. The program has a unique area of concentration in Language and Hearing: Speech Therapy Models. Based on the four Research Lines, organizing the Curriculum Structure, Studies Centers and Research Laboratories aiming at the production of knowledge in partnerships with national recognition institutions in the area of Communication Disorders. Laboratories of Research in Language, Voice, Dysphagia, Orofacial Motricity, Hearing and Balance have physical infrastructure and specific equipment to offer subsidies to the development of research. The Studies Centers are spaces to foster discussions on the knowledge already produced and new research and extension projects.
  • Objectives

    The objective of the program is to train researchers and professors with the knowledge directed to the prevention and clinical assessment methods of hearing, language and voice disorders.  Thus, it is linked to the area of Speech Therapy.

    PMDDIC also aims training professionals committed to promoting health and with social responsibility. The integration of its actions, involve teaching, research and extension, contributing to the reflection on the phenomena that encompass the Communication Disorders, focusing on the professional and academic practice of Speech Therapy professionals and related fields.

    Target Public

    Speech therapists and other health professionals such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dentists, educators, among others.

  • Area of Concentration

    PMDDIC is integrated to the “Language and Hearing: Speech Therapy Models” area of concentration.

    Language and Hearing: Speech Therapy Models.

    Inquiring about the phenomena that encompass the complexity of Communication Disorders focusing on the professional and academic practice of Speech Therapy professionals and related fields. Studies that assume as research fields the aspects related to the oral and written language, hearing, balance, voice and orofacial motricity from an intra- and interdisciplinary perspective.

  • Social Integration

    We present the impacts of the Communication Disorders Program in three areas: educational, social / cultural and technological / economic


    Hearing health promotion program in schools:

    • Kandora State School
    • SENAI School- São José/PR (High School)
    • Epheta School – Curitiba/PR (High School)
    • Clinical care of children and adolescents of the Public Network of Primary Education of Paraná
    • NGO – Semeando a Paz Institute / Curitiba
    • Language Workshop
    • Municipal Centers for Early Childhood Education (CMEI) in Curitiba
    • Continuing Education Programs


    • Contribution to the Training of Qualified Human Resources for Public Administration or Civil Society:
    • Contributions to Community Service and Assistance Programs
    • Training of the Public Using the Resources of Science and Knowledge


    Cochlear Implant IC

    • FM System
    • Deglutition Disorders Tracking System with DeglutiSom Software was shared with IES and the Department of Health Curitiba-Pr.
  • Research Lines

    The Research Lines were realigned into four areas, as shown below:

    Promotion of Hearing Health in the different life cycles:

    directed to studies on hearing health in different life cycles, aims contributing to the systematization and implementation of public policies regarding proposals concerning the promotion, prevention, assessment, diagnosis and treatment of aspects related to the Speech Therapy and related fields.

    Promotion of language in health and education contexts:

    directed to research on the processes of appropriation and use of language, contributing to the systematization of theories and procedures aimed at the promotion and the medical practice of language, circumscribed in the context of health and education.

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Swallowing, Voice and Orofacial Motricity:

    directed to the studies on Swallowing, Voice, Motricity and Orofacial Pain in different life cycles, with a view to the attention of vocal health and orofacial motricity subject to the promotion, prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of such aspects related to the Speech Therapy and related fields.

    Diagnosis and Treatment in Hearing and Balance:

    directed to the study of different theoretical and practical assumptions involved in the evaluation and treatment of hearing and balance disorders. It seeks the improvement of speech therapy clinical practice and related areas, enabling the use of advanced technologies.

  • Staff Members


    • PhD. Angela Ribas,
    • Ph.D.Bianca Simone Zeigelboim,
    • Ph.D.Vinicius Ribas de Carvalho Duarte Fonseca, Ph.D.


    • Ana Cristina Guarinello, Ph.D.
    • Ana Paula Berberian, Ph.D.
    • Giselle Aparecida Massi, Ph.D.
    • Rita de Cássia Tonocchi, Ph.D.


    • Adriana Bender Moreira Lacerda, Ph.D.
    • Cláudia Giglio de Oliveira Gonçalves, Ph.D.
    • Deborah Lüders, Ph.D.


    • Jair Mendes Marques lattes, PH.D.
    • José Stechman Neto lattes. PH.D.
    • Rosane Sampaio Santoslattes, PH.D.
  • Curriculum Structure

    The program organizes its curriculum through the Basic Courses – which are the basis for the formation of students – and courses related to the Research Lines (RLs). The Research Lines are organized in required and elective courses related to their themes and aim to support developing research projects. This is the reason why courses already offered can be excluded and new ones can be included every year, showing the specific knowledge production dynamism.

    Practical activities are another curricular component weekly performed by students. The objective of these activities is to integrate the theoretical discussions and the practical interventions that subsidize the research.

    The total number of credits to be completed by students of the Master’s Program is 69 credits and 119 for the Doctorate, distributed as follows:


    • 12 credits in required Basic Courses; 15 credits in required and elective courses per Research Line; seven (7) credits in scheduled activities and 35 dissertation credits.


    • 34 credits in required Basic Courses; 36 credits in required and elective courses per Research Line; 14 credits in scheduled activities and 35 thesis credits.
    • In the Scheduled Activities, the participation of students in scientific events, teaching internship in the Bachelor’s Degree Program, dissertation and thesis committee, extension activities and publications is required. The student must be approved in a qualifying examination before a Dissertation Committee
    • As part of such activities, the Master’s Program student must, in addition to the publication of his dissertation, publish at least one article in stratum B1 or higher (Brazilian system for the classification of journals, maintained by CAPES). The Doctorate student must publish at least two articles in stratum B1 or higher, in addition to the publication of the thesis in an article.
    • The Program students must complete their work in 24 months for the Master’s and 48 months for the Doctorate.

    Proficiency Exam

    The student must prove knowledge of a second foreign language (English, French or Spanish) – different from the one for the enrollment in the Master’s Program – through a proficiency examination that will take place during the course. It may be accepted a proficiency certificate in a foreign language obtained in a recognized institution. The evaluation committee will issue its opinion regarding the acceptance.
    The description of the Structured Curriculum involving the Master’s (M) and Doctorate (D) courses follow below:

    • Research Methodology (M / D);
    • Advanced Research Methodology (M / D);/li>
    • Morpho-physiopathology Applied to Hearing (M / D);
    • Didactic (M / D);
    • Research Ethics (M / D);
    • Teaching Internship in the Bachelor’s Degree Program (M / D);
    • Dissertation and Thesis Seminar (D);
    • Participation in Undergraduate Thesis Committee (D);
    • Public Policies and Health Programs (M / D);
    • Work Based on Scientific Evidence (D).
    • Required and elective courses per Research Line:


    Required Courses: 1. Audiological Evaluation in Adults and Children (M / D); 2. Current Topics in Neuroaudiology (M / D); 3. Advanced Topics in Neuroaudiology (D).

    Elective Courses: 1. Hearing Prosthesis and Rehabilitation Audiology (M / D); 2. Evaluation and Rehabilitation of the Vestibular System (M / D); 3. Auditory Evoked Potentials (M / D); 4. Neuronal Plasticity (M / D); 5. Genetics Applied to Hearing and Balance Disorders (M / D); 6. Auditory Processing (M / D); 7. Cochlear Implant (M / D).


    Required Courses: 1. Theories of Language and Speech Therapy (M / D); 2. Current Topics in Language (M / D); 3. Advanced Topics in Language (D).

    Elective Courses: 1. Oral Language Processes: Approaches to Promotion, Evaluation and Therapy (M / D); 2. Written Language Processes: Approaches to Promotion, Evaluation and Therapy (M / D); 3. Language and Deafness (M / D); 4. Guided Reading in the Language Field (M / D); 5. Advanced Topics – Theories of Language and Speech Therapy (D); 6. Language and Aging (M / D); 4.


    Required Courses: 1. Epidemiology (M / D); 2. Current Topics on Environment, Health and Society (M / D); 3. Advanced Topics on Environment, Health and Society (D);

    Elective Courses: 1. Health Promotion in Different Life Cycles I (M / D); 2. Health Promotion in Different Life Cycles II (M / D); 3. Health Programs Structuring and Implementation in Different Facilities and Establishments (M / D); 4. Comprehensiveness in Speech Therapy: Education and Health (M / D); 5. Health Programs Structuring and Implementation for the Elderly (D); 6. Health Education Programs Structuring and Implementation (D); 7. Environmental and Occupational Risk for the Hearing and Voice (M / D); 8. Prospects and Challenges in the Relationship between Environment, Health and Society (M / D).


    Required Courses: 1. Current Topics on Voice, Swallowing and Orofacial Motricity (M / D); 2. Advanced Topics on Voice, Swallowing, Pain and Orofacial Motricity (D)

    Elective Courses: 1. Evaluation and Diagnosis in Swallowing, Voice and Orofacial Motricity; 2. Works on Voice, Orofacial Motricity and Dysphagia in Different Life Cycles and Introduction to Orofacial Pain and TMJD

    * The Courses: Current topics (in Neuroaudiology; Language; Environment, Health and Society; Voice, Swallowing and Orofacial Motricity) and Advanced Topics (in Neuroaudiology; Language; Environment, Health and Society; Voice, Swallowing and Orofacial Motricity) include the required participation of students in Research Laboratories with their advisor for the development of research.

  • Admission Processes


    Selection Process for Admission to the Graduate Program in Communication Disorders – PMDDIC

    Admission Process: Masters


    • Step 1: Curriculum Analysis and Research Draft.
    • Step 2: Proof of Argument (Defense of the Thesis Draft).
    • Step 3: Written Test.

    For the classification of the candidates will be considered their performance in the three Stages of the Selection.

    The registration must be done through the Internet and the documents must be delivered to the Secretary of the Programs or sent by mail.


    • Preliminary research project, in 3 printed tracks;
    • Application form duly completed;
    • Photocopy of the RG and CPF;
    • Photocopy of the marriage certificate / endorsement;
    • Certified photocopy of the diploma and undergraduate school record, duly registered, or the certificate of completion of course;
    • Curriculum Vitae and / or Lattes in three ways, being a documented way;
    • 1 (one) recent 3×4 photo;
    • Proof of payment of the registration fee;
    • Proof of address;
    • Proof of registration of registration in class organ.

    Selective Process: PhD


    • Curriculum Analysis and Research Draft.
    • Proof of Arguation (Defense of the Draft of Dissertation).
    • Written Test.

    For the classification of the candidates will be considered their performance in the three Stages of the Selection.


    The registration must be done through the Internet and the documents must be delivered to the Secretary of the Programs or sent by mail.


    • Preliminary research project, in 3 printed tracks;
    • Application form duly completed; Photocopy of the RG and CPF;
    • Photocopy of the marriage certificate / endorsement;
    • Certified copy of the diploma and academic history of the course, duly registered, or the certificate of completion of course;
    • Curriculum Vitae and / or Lattes in three ways, being a documented way;
    • 1 (one) recent 3×4 photo;
    • Proof of payment of the registration fee;
    • Proof of address;
    • Proof of registration of registration in class organ.
    • Certificate of proficiency / proficiency in a foreign language obtained at a competent institution, it must be delivered at the time of registration. The evaluation committee shall deliver its opinion on the acceptance. Proficiency will be required in a second language to be chosen by the applicant, which must be completed by the end of the Course;
    • 2 (two) letters of recommendation from experts in the Area. Unselected applicants must withdraw the documents delivered at the time of registration, within 60 (sixty) days, after the registration period. Documents not withdrawn within that period shall be.
  • Internationalization

    Internationalization Policy of the Tuiuti fo Paraná University – UTP.

    Tuiuti University understands internationalization as a fundamental assumption of quality at higher education, a large academic and cultural investment through research education and service provision, involving university, company and government cooperation.

    Therefore, the internationalization must be understood as an institutional policy.

    Before the open perspectives of the university internationalization, at UTP this process searches to link itself to the education, research and social needs, using bilateral/multilateral cooperation for the course execution, research activities, extension, workshop, joint publications. The University is focused to define cooperation instruments guaranteeing quality during these actions integrated to several international higher education models. However, searches to be prepared before the pure and simple standardization of global academic practices, searching for the maintenance of determined characteristics and local cultural needs.

    ARI – International Relations Assistance

    International Relations Assistance – ARI is a body linked to the Rector and has the objective of promoting institutional cooperation, on national and international areas. Are ARI functions: executing, proposing and coordinating the execution of scientific, technological, cultural, artistic and sport exchange policies between UTP and other national and international institutions, supporting professors, researchers and staff members of the international institutions in progress of Tuiuti, and UTP on the activity abroad.

    Tuiuti do Paraná Tuiuti University has partnerships with:

    • * Montreal University – (Udem) – Canada
    • * Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg – Germany
    • * National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health – United States
  • Page of Avaliation of PPGED - UTP on CAPES

    PPGDIC Evaluation Page – UTP at CAPES

    Sucupira Platform – Get more information