The area of concentration is Education. The PPGED is articulated in two Research Lines: Public Policies and Education Management; and Pedagogical Practices: Articulating Elements.
30 x R$ 1.1879,00* Masters
48 x R$ 2.024,00** PH.d
The values may be readjusted annually.
For information about discounts and financing, refer to the regulations.
Developing research from academic and social relevance projects, linked to the Program’s Research Lines. Producing knowledge on Education in the course fields demarcated by the Research Lines in accordance with the social demands. Training teachers-researchers who meet the educational needs through in-depth studies and research development that contribute to the development of knowledge and pedagogical practice. Training educators with critical investigative capacity when facing social issues, promoting autonomy and intellectual excellence and contributing to the development of knowledge and pedagogical practice. Target Public Undergraduates and Masters in Education, Humanities, Social Sciences and other related fields, interested in educational research.
Areas of Concentration
Social Insertion
The social integration of PPGED is oriented to the activities developed with Higher and Elementary Education institutions at state and municipal level in Paraná and other Brazilian states. It is articulated to the state, national and international level with educational and research institutions, as well as professional organizations, among others. Thus, the number of students enrolled in a master’s degree program linked to Basic Education is significant; graduates seeking educational support, advisory services for the management of public policies; lectures, conferences and advisory services with themes related to the Education research projects; specialized courses – lato sensu graduation; extension and research projects which have as participants Elementary Education teachers, undergraduates, PPGED master’s degree and doctorate students as: Teaching museum, extension projects; research projects funded by CAPES / Observatory of Education; participation in Education forums and preparatory meetings of national and international events such as the National Association of Graduate Program and Research on Education (Anped), National Association of Educational Policy and Administration (Anpae), National Association for the Training of Education Professionals (Anfope), Brazilian Society of the History of Education (SBHE), Research and Studies group on “History, Society and Education in Brazil” (HISTEDBR), Luso-Brazilian Congress on the History of Education (COLUBHE), Francophone International Association for Scientific Research on Education (AFIRSE – Portugal), Ibero-American Congress of History of Education (CIHELA); participation in cooperation virtual networks for knowledge production and dissemination; participation in Boards of Education and partnerships with government institutions and society.
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Research Lines
The program is structured in two Research Lines (RLs)
The objective of the RL is to think about the contemporary Education throughout the study of public policies, education management and pedagogical processes that take place at school, in the education system and in society. Among the studied topics there are: the training of Education professionals, school autonomy, centralization and decentralization, Education quality and democratization, political-pedagogical project (PPP), evaluation, inclusion, exclusion and social inequality, citizenship, ethics and justice, curriculum policies and guidelines, contemporary educational reforms, formal and non-formal education and Higher Education access policies.
The RL has as study course the pedagogical practices and their integrating elements. Those are: curriculum, teaching and learning, teacher-student relationship, teaching and school culture. Pedagogical practices and its elements are studied under different theoretical perspectives, involving issues such as daily school life, school-community relationship, interdisciplinarity, school indiscipline, school knowledge, educational technology, history of school practices, teacher training and rural education.
- Public Politics and Education Management –
- Professor Dra. Josélia Schwanka Salomé
- Work, Education and Educational Policies –
- Professor Maria de Fatima Rodrigues Pereira, Ph.D.
- State and Education Policies.
- Professor Anita Helena Schlesener, Ph.D.
- Center for Research in Field Education, Social Movements and Pedagogical Practices (NUPECAMP)
Curriculum Structure
The Doctorate Program has its curricular structure based on mandatory courses, seminars, research activities and dissertation qualification, preparation and defense.
The curriculum composition is characterized by different curricular components totaling 36 credits according to the distribution below:
- 8 credits in mandatory courses related to the Research Line,
- 8 credits in two Advanced Seminars jointly chosen with your advisor. The Advanced Seminars aim to support the projects of doctoral students in their RLs and will be periodically redefined. They will be offered every semester on demand.
- 12 credits in Research Activities – RAs – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (2 credits each) which will be offered over six semesters. RAs must contribute to the deepening and improvement of the development of the thesis.
- The thesis defense will account for 8 credits.
The Master’s Degree Program has its curricular structure based on mandatory courses (related to and specific of the RL), elective courses (Special Topics), seminars, events of the Program, qualification preparation and dissertation defense.
The curriculum composition is characterized by different curricular components totaling 36 credits according to the distribution below:
- 24 credits in mandatory courses: two (2) courses related to both RLs, two (2) mandatory courses specific to the RLs and a mandatory Research Practice course for each RL.
- Common Mandatory Courses:
- Research in Education and
- Brazilian Education.
- Specific Mandatory Courses:
RL Pedagogical Practices: Integrating Elements:
- Curriculum theories
- Fundamentals of the Pedagogical Practice
RL Education Policies and Management: Management and Public Policies in Education::
- Education Management
- Public Policies in Education:
The courses Practice Research and Dissertation Seminar are mandatory to both lines and their development happen in themselves, as well as the specific mandatory courses.
The elective courses Special Topics account for four (4) compulsory credits. They are offered by the RLs and the students choose, as oriented by their advisor, which and how many courses they must enroll.
In addition to the courses, students participate in seminars and events organized during Program. The qualification of the dissertation occurs after all credits are concluded. The defenses take place in the regulatory period of 24 to 30 months, in the Master’s Degree Program in which the student completes 36 credits.
Staff Members
- Per Line
- Anita Helena Schlesener, Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s Degree Program)
- Fausto dos Santos Amaral Filho, Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s Degree Program)
- Josélia Schwanka Salomé, Ph.D. – Accredited (Master’s Degree Program)
- Maria de Fatima Rodrigues Pereira, Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s Degree Program)
- Pedro Leão da Costa Neto , Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s Degree Program)
- Rita de Cássia Gonçalves Pacheco dos Santos, Ph.D. – Accredited (Master’s Degree Program)
- Maria Alzira Leite, Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s)
- Maria Antonia de Souza, Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s)
- Maria Arlete Rosa, Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s)
- Sueli Pereira Donato, Ph.D. – Accredited (Doctorate and Master’s)
Admission Processes
Admission Process: PhD
- 1st Stage: Written Test.
- Step 2: Curriculum Analysis and Research Project.
- Step 3: Argument Proof (Defense of Thesis Project).
- For the classification of the candidates will be considered their performance in the three Stages of the Selection.
- The Program receives semi-annually external students, not approved in the Selective Process, to attend Special Topics or to participate in Study Groups and Research.
- Admission Process: Masters
- 1st Stage: Written test.
- Step 2: Analysis of the curriculum and the Research Draft.
- Step 3: Proof of Arguation (Defense of the Preliminary Draft Dissertation).
- For the classification of the candidates will be considered their performance in the three Stages of the Selection.
- The Program receives semi-annually external students, not approved in the Selective Process, to attend Special Topics or to participate in Study Groups and Research.
PPGED has carried out research projects with institutions in Portugal, Spain, Italy and the United States. These projects generate intellectual productions such as books, book chapters, and articles in periodicals.