The faculty of the Master’s Program in Psychology participate in several commissions related to the development of public policies for the Program’s research lines, namely: Comissão de apoio às vítimas de Crime da OAB (Brazilian Bar Association Commission for the support of Crime victims ) – Professor Giovana Munhoz da Rocha; Comitê Técnico de Saúde Integral da População LGBT do Estado do Paraná ( e Conselho Nacional de Combate à Discriminação de LGBT (Paraná StateTechnical Committee of LGBT Population Integral Health) and Conselho Nacional de Combate à Discriminação de LGBT (CNCD/LGBT, National Council Against LGBT Discrimination) – Professor Grazille Tagliamento; Comissão de Estudos sobre Violência de Gênero (CEVIGE-OAB, Studies Commission on Gender Violence) – Professors Maria Cristina Antunes and Maria da Graça Padilha. Professors are invited to participate in these commissions due to the possibility of collaboration resulting from their scientific education.

The Núcleo de Pesquisa e Intervenção em Psicologia Forense (NuFor, Center for Research and Intervention on Forensic Psychology) was created on September 1, 2011 (CONSEPE ATA 02/2011) to perform forensic clinical care to its associates and general population. The NuFor activities are guided by the professors Giovana Munhoz da Rocha and Paula Inez Cunha Gomide, from the Forensic Psychology concentration area, experts in domestic violence, parental alienation, mediation, antisocial behavior, custody issues, adolescents in conflict with the law, sexual violence, moral harassment, children and adolescents under institutional care, imprisoned women, risky educational practices, among others.